Black and silver retractable pen on blank notebook.

The Most Important Non-Digital Tool for Any Creative

Published on by David A. Kennedy

It’s easy for us to become immersed in the digital world.

We have to be.

From social bookmarking, social media, blogging, designing via different software and so much more, the majority of tools a professional uses in this realm have a digital aspect. However, what happens if the digital world ended tomorrow?

If all the bytes, jpegs, tweets and so on ceased to exist – where could you still go to get your work done? What would be your number one source for inspiration?

The notebook.

Yep, this handy tool comes in all sorts of shapes and sizes. You can personalize it however you like too.

Seriously, if you create in any way, shape or form, you should have one with you at all times. And I’ll be honest: I don’t. I have just realized I need to make it a reality.

Some reasons notebooks rule:

  • Their battery never dies.
  • Putting pen to paper feels fantastic.
  • Write, sketch, this thing is multidimensional.
  • Crumpling up paper and throwing away your bad ideas is therapeutic.
  • Ideas never escape you.
  • You start developing a timeline of creativity. Learn how, what and where you’re most creative!
  • If you put something in it every day – you’re productive.

Being a writer, I have heard this advice over and over. I have done it at various points in my life, but lately I’ve realized I need to reacquaint myself with the habit of carrying paper around.

I’m missing out on too many of my own ideas.

I had one at my side all the time when I worked as a reporter and I didn’t realize just how handy it proved to be. Despite the fact digital technologies rule the world these days, ideas serve as the oil that lubricates technology and every other industry.

We need them and you have them. So make sure you jot them down, will you?

Ideas will become the currency of the new economy. Make sure you share the wealth. Carry your notebook.

Image by Mike Tinnion.

Tagged Creativity