Three Awesome Examples of Interactive Media Stories

Published on by David A. Kennedy

When it comes to creating interactive media experiences and websites, finding inspiration is paramount.

Personally, I’m working on several big projects as I approach graduation from my graduate program, so I’m scouring the web, searching for stuff that causes pause, makes me think and want to explore.

Here’s three examples I discovered recently and why they’ve inspired me.

100 Tweets by 9Elements

This site uses HTML5 and Javascript to display 100 tweets about HTML5 in a particle-like way. It has audio and plenty of animation, which make it pretty immersive and something you just want to click on.

To learn more about the project, check out the blog post on it.

In Retrospect: 40 Years Since the Race to the Moon

A Flash-based site created by the Associated Press to highlight the 40th anniversary of the historic Apollo 11 moon landing. My favorite part here is the timeline. It’s created in a way that visually shows how much failure the space program had to endure to reach its goal. I also like the Apollo 11 animation because it shows how incredibly complex the craft was.

Autism: Breaking Down the Barriers – A Weighty Diagnosis

This multimedia project by the Roanoke Times dives into the subject of children and autism. Focused on a family with twins, one who has autism and one that doesn’t, the project raises issues about autism, and why it’s difficult to deal with.

The video does an excellent job of setting up the story and drawing the viewer in. As soon as I watched it I wanted to explore the rest of the media. The reporters combine powerful quotes, words and images extremely well.

I found these links by browsing Favorite Website Awards and Interactive Narratives.

Tagged Journalism