Moving to

Published on by David A. Kennedy

There’s something I’ve been thinking about recently. Moving this site to the platform.

That sounds a bit crazy, yes? Especially for a web developer like myself. Of course, the differences abound between and hosting your own installation but moving still appeals to me. Why?

  • I could focus on content more easily, instead of tweaking the site constantly. I do that a lot.
  • I’d get world-class hosting. That’s neat, and a step above my shared hosting! 🙂
  • I’d join a big network of sites and bloggers. I’m liking the direction is headed design-wise and I enjoy the new reader experience.
  • It would be fun to switch themes a lot! (see item no. one)

But what are the drawbacks?

  • I’d lose ultimate control. No more custom themes or playing around with JavaScript on my own site.
  • I’d have to rearrange some content. My projects and photos are custom post types so those would have to become pages without custom taxonomies. Some URLs would break since I use a different permalink structure than the standard one.
  • Achieving accessibility might be more difficult because it often relies on custom tweaks not possible on
  • I’d have a ton of functionality at my fingertips that I wouldn’t use.
  • Potential future employers and/or other web developers might wonder why I don’t use something more custom.

All that said, I feel like it’s even. I first thought seriously about this when I read Ryan Imel’s post about his switch. It’s something I’m not ready to do, but could be in my future.

What about you? Are you a web developer or tinkerer that’s made the switch. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Comment or message me on Twitter.

Tagged Site DesignWordPress