I’ve penned 568 posts on this blog. You can dive into specific topics on the tags page. Oh, and you can sign up to receive new blog posts via email, if that’s your thing. Thanks for reading!
The Future Mundane
Don't just design for your ideal user.
One Year at Automattic
So far, so much fun at Automattic.
WordCamp Baltimore 2015
WordCamp No. 2.
The Slow Web
Be mindful of what you do each day.
A Brief History of Web Design
I want that intense, personal exploration and sharing back.
How Future-Safe are Your Ideas?
Hint, post on your own domain.
Space Jam Forever
One of my favorite historical websites.
The Year of Accessibility in WordPress
We made lots of progress this year.
Steal This Talk
Trust each other more and work together for far greater impact.
Meet Twenty Sixteen
The newest default WordPress theme has turned into one of my favorites.