David A. Kennedy speaks on a stage in front of audience.


I work as a Manager of Design at Ad Hoc, focusing on inclusive design and accessibility.

I’m an accessibility evangelist who loves the open web and open source code. I’ve contributed to WordPress and the WordPress community in the past. I’ve worked with great people at Automattic, U.Group, The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and The Arc doing all sorts of web stuff. In another life, I wrote words instead of code as a journalist.

I root for the Florida Gators and dig CrossFit-style workouts. I never turn down a taco or peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I read too many non-fiction books and play too many video games. I have a lovely wife, Joeleen, one awesome daughter, Skye, a smart dog named Sunny, plus a cuddly cat named Marshmallow.

You can learn more about my professional experience by visiting my Linkedin profile.

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