Monitor showing WordPress PHP programming.

31 Resources for Powering a Website with WordPress

Published on by David A. Kennedy

If you wish to use WordPress to power your website, you’re lucky. Thousands of people who love and support WordPress have filled the web with tons of resources. I’m going to share my favorites, and segment them by category. I hope they help you. If you have more to add, please do so in the comments.

Resources from WordPress

  • Automattic – The company behind WordPress, and started by WordPress creator Matt Mullenweg.
  • – The free blogging platform created by Automattic, the company behind WordPress.
  • – The free blogging software, available for download and able to be run on a server, and power an entire site.
  • WordPress Documentation – The WordPress Codex has all the relevant details, tricks and tips on how to take advantage of WordPress’ full power.
  • WordPress Showcase – See sites built by WordPress, and discover what it can really do.
  • WordPress Theme Directory – Download free themes for WordPress.
  • Commercial Themes – WordPress also has many premium themes for purchase. Download them here.
  • Plugins – WordPress can be extended by way of plugins. Browse and download those here.

WordPress Design

WordPress Development

Blogs About WordPress

There’s more here at this nice list of 10 as well.

And if you want more great links about WordPress, be sure to follow my Delicious account and this tag.

Photo by Ilya Pavlov.

This is the second part of a two part series on Building Websites with WordPress. The first installment covered the strategy needed when considering WordPress as a content management system or blogging platform for your website.

Tagged WordPress