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Seven Amazing Digital Storytelling Websites

Published on by David A. Kennedy

Stories. We love them.

From the moment we join the fray here on Earth, we engage in storytelling. People once shared stories over fires. They once drew tales on cave walls. Now, we trade narratives on the Internet – in so many forms and fashions.

If you like spinning a good yarn, or being pulled into one, the web represents a gold mine of possibilities. Explore and discover. Experts and creatives find ways for digital storytelling to evolve every day. Where do you want to take it?

Here are seven of my favorite digital storytelling sites on the web. Take a look, and by all means, add yours in the comments section. Let’s get a nice list going!

Center for Digital Storytelling

CDS is an international, non-profit training and research organization dedicated to forwarding digital storytelling. There are many great resources here, including a list of links and case studies.

The Digital Narrative

An amazing collection of all things digital story by Martin Jorgensen. Links lead to great content on examples, teaching digital storytelling, free online tools and more.

Interactive Narratives

One of the premier resources for interactive media storytelling, run by the Online News Association. This site is chock full of incredible work waiting to be devoured.

10,000 Words

A blog maintained by journalist Mark S. Luckie that concentrates on the intersection of technology and journalism. Written with real heart, and full of great advice, tools and tips.


Poynter is an authority on journalism issues, and always has intriguing features on the news industry’s ongoing transformation to digital platforms.


This multimedia production studio based in New York turns out some of the best multimedia storytelling around. It’s one of my favorite places to go for inspiration.

News for Digital Journalists

A blog run by the Knight Digital Media Center, News for Digital Journalists is a great place to go for news, not just on journalism issues, but digital storytelling. The site also has tons of other useful resources for digital storytellers.

Image by Sergi Kabrera.

Tagged Journalism