Back to CrossFit

Published on by David A. Kennedy

In January, I started back at CrossFit again – deadlifts and all.

After a move and the birth of my daughter, my schedule got out of whack. I had to hunt for a new gym in a new neighborhood and adjust to a new schedule. But after a six-month layoff, it feels good to be chasing the reps again. Before I left, I had practices CrossFit for two-plus years.

Since returning, my biggest goal has been to find a rhythm with the movements again. I’m only going to the gym two days a week, so I’m nowhere near my old personal bests, but I’ll get there. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become more interested in the small details that make you perform better. So right now, outside of the gym, I’m focused on water intake, sleep and stretching. I hope improving there will carry over elsewhere.

Last week, after about two months back, I finally started to feel comfortable doing squats again. We’ll see where it leads in the coming months.

Tagged CrossFitPersonal