Dear WordPress

Published on by David A. Kennedy

I remember when I thought bloggers were the enemy. I was crazy, but I used to be a journalist after all. You didn’t judge me.

Instead you set me free. You introduced me to the web. You let me follow my dream of being a writer in the most harmonious way – I write code and write about it – teaching others in your community along the way.

That wouldn’t be possible without you. You introduced me to web standards too. I love making themes to help you spread beauty and brevity of code across the world. Together, we’re working on making you more accessible too. You’re helping me learn how to be thoughtful and pragmatic in my approach to code. You’ve introduced me to many talented web workers who have pushed me be better at what I love doing.

I know I try to get you to do too much sometimes, but it’s only because I want you to grow and introduce others to the power of open source. I know I’ve only just started to give back what you’ve given me, but I promise to continue doing that. When I look at other blogging platforms I know you might get jealous, but I keep coming back because I see so much potential in what we can accomplish together.

I love your philosophy. You stand for the greater good in a world filled with proprietary software that leaves us with so little. You help people create, which is the best thing anyone can do, much less a piece of software. You have heart.

Let’s keep doing this for years to come. I’ll keep crafting code and writing about it, and you keep shining a light along the way. We’ll get better together.

Happy 10th birthday, WordPress!


Thanks for the inspiration, Matt.

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