I attended my first Grand Meetup at Automattic last week. I recently joined, so the first day of the meetup was also my official first day at Automattic.
I had a blast and met a lot of Automatticians, something that’s extra special in a remote company during the first week of work. 🙂 I loved working on projects with new teammates and listening to a variety of Flash talks by my new colleagues. Flash talk topics included professional wrestling, Yo-yo-ing, Data Centers, My Guitars and many more.
I did make one rookie mistake though: I forgot my DSLR camera, a Canon 20D. So the gallery below is a few shots from my iPhone 5 camera.
A view of the shops and restaurants inside Canyons Resort.Trying to line up for the company photo.Team 14 working late on a project.Team 14 discussing technical stuff.Team 14: Jeff Golenski, Velda Christensen, Enej Bajgoric, David Murphy and myself.A visit to the Uinta Brewing Company.There's beer in those barrels.A close up of a beer barrel.One of the processing areas for brewing.One of the Uinta Brewing Company signs.Baba, a black lager, is one of the beers that Uinta makes. Displayed on a sign.Baba, a black lager in cans, is one of the beers that Uinta makes.Palettes of beer ready to be shipped.