Managing Tasks, Web Projects and Remembering the Milk

Published on by David A. Kennedy

Remember the Milk interface, showing to-do list on the left and a sidebar on the right.

I can’t remember the last time I forgot the milk, but I do remember the last time I neglected to attend to something on my to-do list.

Enter the web tool, Remember the Milk, an online task management system. Kevin Loker and Aram Zucker-Scharff, two people I follow on Twitter, recommended the tool after I asked. I needed something that would help manage both small and large scale web projects. I looked at Todoist, Google Tasks and Tasks within Microsoft Outlook. Remember the Milk seemed to be the most user friendly and flexible. It also helped that friends recommended it.

How I’m Using It

I created different to-do lists that correspond with folders in my email. The email folders contain the action items that I need to make web updates, like copy, photos and other information. So far, this has created a streamlined approach that works for me. Keep in mind, I’m not sharing my lists with anyone, and I have it set up as more of an individual task manager tool.

What I Like

  • Its interface is simple and easy to use.
  • The lists load quickly.
  • The keyboard shortcuts make many things within the program faster.
  • It’s free.

What About You?

How do you manage your task lists? Are there other free tools out there that enable collaboration, and are geared toward web projects?

Tagged Productivity