My Three Favorite Viral Videos

Published on by David A. Kennedy

Videos have become a bigger part of the world wide web.

According to a recent report by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, online adults who view videos on video-sharing websites has nearly doubled since 2006. The report also states that more Internet users rely on online video for their television and movie viewing.

With stats like these increasing, especially on a yearly basis, videos with strong stories will become more important than ever.

Here’s my top three viral videos.

Keep in mind, these represent my absolute favorites. I’m not going by stats, categories or anything else like that. You might call this list the most memorable videos – to me.


Randy Pausch gives his last lecture – “Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams.”
This video is more than an hour long, well above the short viral video standard. Yet, it has more than 10 million views. Why? Superb content: a wonderful story and lesson combine for the perfect touch. Watch it. Now.

J-Mac: A Hoop Dream.
This video tells the take of Jason McElwain, an autistic teenager who captured the hearts and minds of millions when he went from basketball team manager to hoops hero in just under four minutes. What can I say? I’m a sucker for big dreams. There are several different videos of this story out there, but I like this one the best.

There’s something funny about a Font Conference.
If you’re a graphic designer or web designer, this video is for you. Wildly creative and full of characters, the world of fonts comes to life.

I look at these and I can tell that I, at least, love videos with a story and characters.

What are some of your favorites and why?

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