Create an On Deck Circle for Social Media

Published on by David A. Kennedy

Social media has become the norm for today’s web. With the recent launch of Google Plus, social media savvy users have another profile to nurture, meaning they need more content to share with the masses.

Before a week ago, I had never used Google Reader’s social features, mainly the share feature. However, I started publicly sharing items on my smart phone during my commute on public transportation. I call it an on deck circle for social media.

Here’s why:

  • It’s double-filtering: Once you share to Google Reader, you can decide whether or not to share the post to one or multiple other networks. Google Reader can be your almost-everything, and help you select the best of the best for each social network.
  • You could schedule some posts ahead of time: This might help you maintain a more active presence on your favorite networks.
  • Sure, you could just share directly to other networks: However, this approach will help keep your content focused, and mix up original links with resharing.

It the last week or so, I’ve shared about three times as much as normal.

In what ways are you trying to refine your social media sharing?

Update: It looks like this functionality will be going away soon.

Tagged Social Media