Steve Jobs Retires

Published on by David A. Kennedy

“It’s a sad day,” Kevin Wenzel said.

Kevin works with me at The Arc as a web producer. We’re always talking tech, and today he was referring to Steve Jobs stepping down as Apple’s Chief Executive Officer.

It made me chuckle. Apple will keep chugging along, right? It had to happen sooner or later, especially with Jobs’ health issues. But once I started thinking about things – Jobs shouldn’t be known just as the visionary behind all things “i” – he’s given us more.

Matt Mullenweg thinks so. From an earlier essay, Matt points to Jobs’ willingness to step on the gas peddle, even when a product might not be ready.

“If you’re not embarrassed when you ship your first version you waited too long.”
Matt Mullenweg

You have to always push and push hard. That’s a good lesson for anyone in the tech world to learn, and it’s a sad day when you forget it.

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