To Like? That is the Facebook Question

Published on by David A. Kennedy

What’s the last thing you liked?

Oh come on, you know what I’m talking about. On Facebook – what’s the last thing you liked? Maybe it was a sport, like kayaking, which does have its own Facebook Page, thanks Facebook launching Community Pages earlier this year. But do you really like that? Or did you just opt into it when Facebook launched its new feature?

That happened with me, and I went back later and deleted many of the movies and hobbies that were linked to those Community Pages. I didn’t think these lame community pages added any value to my Facebook profile. That got me thinking, “What makes us like a page?”

Web Strategist Jeremiah Owyang has assembled an excellent presentation on successful strategies for Facebook Page marketing.

Here’s what makes me like a Facebook Page:

  1. I’m involved or have been involved with the company or organization.
  2. I stand behind the company or organization’s products and/or mission.
  3. I enjoy the content I get from the page.

What makes you like a page?

Tagged Social Media