Writing Stories and Code

Published on by David A. Kennedy

When I first started writing, I wrote stories for my middle-school journalism class longhand at my desk and then typed them onto a computer, editing as I went. I loved the physical act of writing that much – feeling the ink and paper blend. Beside wanting to fly jets in the Air Force when I was about six, all I ever wanted to do was to write.

So I wrote, working as a journalist, then copywriter. I loved bringing things to life with words, putting the pieces of stories together. When the journalism world evolved into something different with the rise of the web, I looked toward changing paths. I loved blogging, creating sites and building things… That’s where the coding comes in.

I earned my master’s degree in interactive media, thinking I would go into strategy or social media. I do both of those things at my day job and have a blast with it. But the more I build sites – writing HTML, CSS and Javascript – the more I realize that bringing a site to life, putting the pieces of code together, is just like writing stories.

Writing is art. And I’m learning that coding can be art too.

Note: This post first appeared on one of my discontinued blogs – WRPG. I salvaged this good post, and shared it here.

Tagged Web DevelopmentWriting