Tagged “Elon iMedia”
There are 8 posts tagged with Elon iMedia.
Constant, Intelligent Pressure
Some advice that has served me well.
Six Things I've Learned and/or Relearned Since Grad School
Grad school didn't mean the end to learning, of course.
Five Online Tools You Should Use
A few of my favorite online tools, circa 2010.
Can You Have Too Much Media in a Project?
Here's why you can't have too much material when telling stories.
Why Chaos Can Make a Storytelling Project Work
Learn how to harness uncertainty when working on a big project.
Going with the Flow on a Storytelling Project
Learn how to thrive on any big project by going with the flow.
The Strategy for a Storytelling Project with Unknowns
Sometimes the unknowns of a project can help you make it great.
Planning a Big Storytelling Project - Have an Eye on the Story
A post about project management and planning a bit project – as part of Elon's iMedia program.
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