I’ve penned 567 posts on this blog. You can dive into specific topics on the tags page. Oh, and you can sign up to receive new blog posts via email, if that’s your thing. Thanks for reading!
Accessibility is Leadership
Establish the atmosphere.
What is Semantic HTML?
Choose your elements wisely, friends.
Featured in WebAIM March 2023 Newsletter
Another post makes the WebAIM newsletter.
The Importance of Adding Accessibility Design Reviews to the Design Process
Learn how to do accessibility design reviews, and integrate them into your processes.
Accessibility Weekly and Tracking
One newsletter saying no to tracking.
Featured in WebAIM December 2022 Newsletter
My post on accessibility and MVPs made it into one of my favorite newsletters.
Accessibility and MVPs
It's easier than you think.
On Twitter
Is this thing going to last?
Ad Hoc Retreat 2022
Finally get to meet my Ad Hoc colleagues in person.
Designing for Web Accessibility in 60 Seconds
It's all about asking good questions.