I’ve penned 568 posts on this blog. You can dive into specific topics on the tags page. Oh, and you can sign up to receive new blog posts via email, if that’s your thing. Thanks for reading!
The Gruen Effect
This seems familar.
President Obama on Grace
A truly moving speech.
Responsive Design: Where Do We Go From Here?
These things help each other.
Ten Years of Automattic
Been at this awhile.
The First Librarian of Congress for the Internet Age
Information will be a little different.
A Journey Into Web Accessibility
Don't worry about knowing everything.
Creating Your Minimum Viable Product
It's usually easier than you think it might be.
What is Code?
Let's find out how this code thing works.
I Have No Idea What The Hell I'm Doing
Lots of us feel the same way.
You and the Future of WordPress Themes
Designers in the WordPress community should release more theme design ideas.