I’ve penned 569 posts on this blog. You can dive into specific topics on the tags page. Oh, and you can sign up to receive new blog posts via email, if that’s your thing. Thanks for reading!
My Habits for 2015
Laying out some goals for 2015.
New Holiday Traditions
Trying out something new with the family.
WordPress 4.1 “Dinah”
I contributed a few things to this release.
What I Learned Blogging 34 Straight Days
I've never blogged so much before.
New Theme: Twenty Fifteen
There's a new default WordPress theme.
Founders at Work: Steve Wozniak
A glimpse of the early days at Apple.
Testing Google's ReCaptcha
It shows some promise, but needs work.
On the Accessibility of Web Components – Again
Just how accessible are web components?
Batman: The Making of a Hero
One of my fvorite movies of all time.
Wake Up Excited
Embrace the process.