Hello 2014

Published on by David A. Kennedy

I realized a few days ago after listening to the Non-Breaking Space Show’s Year End Spectacular that I hadn’t posted about my new year’s goals in 2013. Lazy. I did in 2011 and 2012.

A Review

So let’s fix that this year. First, a quick review of 2013.

On to the goals! I do best with goals when they’re few and focused. After all you can’t become proficient at something when you don’t work at it, and you can’t work at something if you lack the time.


  1. Keep contributing to the WordPress Accessibility team. I’m excited about all the progress we’re making.
  2. Release Accessible Alexandria and Accessible D.C. The world needs more accessible websites.
  3. Start writing a book on accessibility. I’ve always wanted to write a book.


I’m still working on these. More on those later. 😀

Now, let’s get to goal smashing!

Tagged GoalsPersonal