Hello Accessible Zen

Published on by David A. Kennedy

I put a new coat of paint on my site this past weekend. If you follow me on Twitter, it may look familiar. It’s my Accessible Zen WordPress Theme, something I’ve worked on a lot recently and have been writing about on my blog.

I know. I know. It hasn’t been that long since my last redesign. But here’s the thing. I had to put this theme on my site. That’s how much I like it! 🙂 Plus, it’s a way for me to “eat my own dog food” as they say. If it’s good enough for the WordPress community I’m building it for, it’s good enough for me. It’s also helped me squash a few more bugs in the theme.

Some Specifics

I’m running a child theme of Accessible Zen (to help accommodate my custom post types and taxonomies), along with a bleeding edge version of the theme. So things might look a tad different here than the official demo. I’ve added some good stuff for the 0.1-alpha-3 release.

You might be wondering what will happen to my previous theme. I have big plans for it too so stay tuned.

Tagged Accessible ZenSite Design