Number 37

Published on by David A. Kennedy

Yesterday, I turned 37, and got carded at dinner by my waitress. To be honest, she was likely carding my wife, and asking for mine to be polite. It’s okay – I’ll take it. I had tacos and beer, so it was really just a bonus.

Well, I’m officially in my late thirties. While that scares me a bit, I can honestly say that being older means I just worry less about things that don’t matter. In the last year, I’ve tried to focus on the small details that go a long way.

I started using Habit List to track non-digital habits I wanted to strengthen, like reading, playing with my daughter and writing. I blogged a lot more too, dogfooding my company’s new product. I’ve continued to contribute to WordPress, going to this year’s Community Summit, and presenting at WordCamp U.S. But the biggest undertaking of the year has been looking for a new place to live. More on that later.

In the next year, I’m aiming to continue to focus on the small details and keep building on the habits I’ve formed. I’m also looking forward to moving, and jettisoning some of the things I don’t need anymore.

I experienced less gigantic life changes this year, but I started processes that will mean gigantic changes in the end.

Related: Number 36, Number 34.

Tagged BirthdayPersonal