Feedback Anyone?
When I launched my website, I never did any sort of usability testing, user personas or focus groups. After all, why would I? This was just my personal/professional website.
I did go through two previous incarnations before settling on this version, and I enlisted the help of several friends and colleagues along the way. I sought all kinds of feedback from them, from design to content and beyond. Obviously, the big goal of my site was to help me land a job. That worked as I landed one recently.
However, feedback is always good, and luckily a writing and editing class, geared toward both print and online mediums decided to critique my portfolio site. Check out some of the comments.
I’m glad to see most of them have been positive, but even so, some impressions of my site have made me realize, “Oh that wasn’t my exact intention.” It goes to show you that every single step in web design, web development and content strategy carries so much importance, as each turn is an opportunity to make an impression.