I’ve penned 568 posts on this blog. You can dive into specific topics on the tags page. Oh, and you can sign up to receive new blog posts via email, if that’s your thing. Thanks for reading!
Goodbye Accessible Zen
Letting an important side project go.
New Design, New Architecture
Details around a new site design for, circa 2020.
Ad Hoc Accessibility Camp 2020
A entire event centered on learning accessibility.
Remembering Accessible Joe
Joe taught me so much by what he created.
The Intersection of Markup, Content and Context in Accessibility
I wrote a post for 24 A11y about context in accessibility.
Joining Ad Hoc
Diving into accessibility full time.
A Leadership Toolkit
A toolkit to help me function better as a leader.
To Do List Iterations
A real notebook helps.
Why I Care About Accessibility
You might not know I'm a twin.
Good Accessibility Means Quality
Why is accessibility not as exciting as say some new JavaScript hotness, CSS technique or [insert web thing]?