Gulp JS File for WordPress Themes

Published on by David A. Kennedy

Fellow Theme Wrangler Dan Robert introduced me to Gulp recently and I’ve run with it, using it on my latest WordPress theme projects. Dan got me going with most of the code for my gulpfile.js, but I’ve added a few other plugins. I love the automated linting the most. Gulp, for the win.

// Include Gulp
var gulp = require("gulp");

// Include Plugins
var sass = require("gulp-ruby-sass"),
  autoprefixer = require("gulp-autoprefixer"),
  csslint = require("gulp-csslint"),
  cssbeautify = require("gulp-cssbeautify"),
  imagemin = require("gulp-imagemin"),
  jshint = require("gulp-jshint"),
  notify = require("gulp-notify"),
  cache = require("gulp-cache");

// Tasks
// Styles
gulp.task("styles", function () {
  return sass("sass/style.scss", { style: "expanded" })
    .pipe(autoprefixer({ browsers: "last 2 versions", cascade: false }))
    .on("error", function (err) {
      console.error("Error!", err.message);
        indent: "	",
        autosemicolon: true,
    .pipe(notify({ message: "Styles task complete" }));

// Scripts
gulp.task("scripts", function () {
  return gulp
    .pipe(notify({ message: "Scripts task complete" }));

// Images
gulp.task("images", function () {
  return gulp
        imagemin({ optimizationLevel: 3, progressive: true, interlaced: true })
    .pipe(notify({ message: "Images task complete" }));

// Watch files for changes
gulp.task("watch", function () {
  // Watch .scss files"sass/style.scss", ["styles"]);

  // Watch .js files"js/dev/**/*.js", ["scripts"]);

  // Watch image files"img/dev/**/*", ["images"]);

// Default Task
gulp.task("default", ["styles", "scripts", "images", "watch"]);

Tagged JavaScriptWordPress ThemingWork