Meet Components

Published on by David A. Kennedy

Today, Automattic’s Theme Team launched Components, a toolbox for taking your WordPress themes where you want them to go, faster. I’m really excited to work on Components because I believe it pushes theme development toward becoming more centered on who really uses themes – people.

With Components, a theme developer gets a everything they need to create something focused on a particular use case. The people who use those themes hopefully get more themes that just work, with minimal setup, less options and no meaningless buzz words. We have big ideas for Components, and this represents just the beginning. If you look closely at any part of the project, you’ll likely find unfinished work and rough edges. As we prepared to release the project, I reread Matt’s post called 1.0 Is the Loneliest Number, all about shipping your work. Matt says:

… if you’re not embarrassed when you ship your first version you waited too long.

I’m embarrassed, but more excited than anything because we finally have this idea out there, and can keep iterating on it to make it better. 🙂 That means better themes for everyone.

If you’re interested in Components, be sure to check out the post, and the Github repositories.

Tagged WordPressWordPress ThemingWork