Number 38

Published on by David A. Kennedy

I missed my annual birthday post – I must be getting old. 🙂

I had a great birthday – a fun taco and beer dinner at Crafted: The Art of the Taco. For the record, it was March 2nd.

I spent most of the last year looking at houses. No lie! We bought one in Greensboro, and have been improving it ever since. I’m excited to make it our own, little by little. I do wish I could start over on the bathrooms from scratch though. But like I said, little by little.

At work, I’ve been tackling leadership roles more, being in that role with Twenty Seventeen and Components. I’m enjoying stretching myself there.

Beyond that, I’m writing and reading more, two habits I think will help me grow more than anything else. I’ve also started getting deeper into minimalism, questioning my purchase decisions with thoughtfulness and looking to live more with less.

I also began a simple bodyweight workout regimen for ten to fifteen minutes, five days a week. I’ve been at it for more than two months, so it feels good to have it sticking as a habit. I’m feeling better physically, and enjoying the fact that everything I’m doing can be done without a trip to the gym or lots of equipment.

I’m looking forward to a more focused year. We’ll see how it goes!

Related: Number 37, Number 36, Number 34.

Tagged BirthdayPersonal