Accessible Zen Reaches 1.1

Published on by David A. Kennedy

Version 1.1 of Accessible Zen hit the WordPress theme directory today. Download it now! 🙂

I added one new feature, improved one area and fixed a number of bugs for this release.

The New Feature

I’ve added contextual help to the Themes page in the WordPress Dashboard. It gives theme users a bit more information about the Accessible Zen inline with their experience.

The Big Addition

Accessible Zen now sports the accessibility-ready tag. Users can find themes that keep accessibility in mind from the start via that tag. They all follow specific accessibility guidelines for themes in the directory. Accessible Zen has always followed these guidelines since its launch, and now has added the tag since it went live on a few weeks ago.

Customizer Improvements

I’ve set better default options for the few of Accessible Zen’s Customizer theme options, which should make for a better experience upon theme activation. Note: This may cause users to have to set their options again via the Customizer.

You can read about all the updates below.

Changelog for 1.1

Download Accessible Zen or write a theme review.

Tagged AccessibilityAccessible ZenWordPressWork